Polish Cuisine 101: Traditional Polish Foods to Try in Poland

Polish cuisine is a rich and flavorful combination of traditional recipes passed down through generations. When visiting Poland, one must take advantage of the opportunity to indulge in the country's delicious culinary offerings. Polish cuisine offers a wide range of dishes, from pierogi to bigos, that will satisfy every palate. This article will explore some of the best traditional Polish foods you should try in Poland.

Pierogi: The Pride of Polish Cuisine

Concerning Polish food, pierogi are a staple that cannot be overlooked. These delicious dumplings are made from unleavened dough, which is then filled with a variety of ingredients. Polish pierogi filling options include cabbage and mushroom, potato and cheese, minced meat, and many others. Once cooked, pierogi are often served with fried onions and a dollop of sour cream, adding an extra layer of flavor to these delightful dumplings.

Plate of Pierogi
Plate of pierogi with pickeled cucumber

Soup, Sausage, and Sauerkraut: A Taste of Polish Tradition

Polish cuisine is also known for its diverse range of soups. One of the most popular is żurek, a soup made from fermented rye flour. This tangy soup is served with sausage and hard-boiled eggs, creating a hearty and satisfying meal. Another traditional Polish soup is barszcz, a beetroot soup that is typically served with sour cream. The vibrant color and bold flavors of barszcz make it a favorite among Polish people.

Bowl Of Zurek Soup
Bowl of Zurek Soup

Another Polish dish that you must try is bigos. Commonly known as "hunter's stew," bigos is a hearty and flavorful dish made from sauerkraut, cabbage, and various types of meat, such as sausage or bacon. The stew is slow-cooked for several hours, allowing the flavors to meld together and create a comforting and satisfying meal. Bigos is often served with rye bread, which pairs perfectly with the rich flavors of the stew.

No exploration of Polish food would be complete without mentioning the famous Polish sausage, or kielbasa. This flavorful and succulent sausage is made from pork and seasoned with a blend of spices. It can be enjoyed on its own or used as an ingredient in various Polish dishes. Kielbasa is a popular choice for barbecue parties and is sometimes served with pickled cucumbers, adding a refreshing and tangy element to the meal.

Polish Potato Pancakes: A Comfort Food Favorite

Authentic Polish potato pancakes, known as placki ziemniaczane, are a beloved comfort food in Poland. These delicious pancakes are made from grated potatoes mixed with flour, eggs, and seasoning, then fried until golden and crispy. They are often served as a side dish with sour cream or applesauce, adding a touch of sweetness to the savory pancakes. These are a must-try when visiting Poland, especially if you want to taste traditional Polish cuisine.

Potato Pancakes With Mushroom Gravey
Potato Pancakes With Mushroom Gravy

Kotlet Schabowy (Polish Breaded Pork Culet) 

Kotlet schabowy, also known as Polish breaded pork culet, is a traditional dish that holds a special place in Polish cuisine. Made from boneless pork chops, the meat is tenderized, seasoned, and coated with breadcrumbs before being fried or baked until golden and crispy. This hearty dish is served with mashed potatoes or sauerkraut, creating a perfect harmony of flavors. The kotlet schabowy is popular among both young and old, and families often gather around the dinner table to enjoy this classic Polish comfort food. Its simplicity and deliciousness have made it a timeless staple in Polish households and an emblem of Polish culinary tradition. 

Breaded Pork Cutlet
Polish Breaded Pork Cutlet

Golabki - Polish Cabbage Rolls

Golabki is a popular dish served in Polish homes and popular in Poland. Golabki is a Polish dish made with boiled cabbage leaves stuffed with a mixture of rice, ground meat (usually pork or beef), onions, and spices. The stuffed cabbage rolls are usually baked in a tomato-based sauce, which adds a tangy flavor.

Golabki, also known as cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage, is a hearty and comforting dish that is commonly served for family gatherings and holidays in Poland. It is considered a classic Polish comfort food and has been enjoyed for generations. The name "golabki" translates to "little pigeons" in English, which is said to be due to the shape of the rolled cabbage leaves resembling a pigeon. The preparation of golabki can be time-consuming as the cabbage leaves need to be blanched and stuffed individually. However, the end result is a flavorful and satisfying dish that is worth the effort.

Mizeria - Polish Cucumber Salad

Mizeria, also known as Polish cucumber salad, is a refreshing and simple dish very popular in Poland. It is made with cucumber slices that are combined with a creamy dressing, usually made from sweet sour cream. This combination creates a perfect balance of flavors. Mizeria can be served as a refreshing side dish to accompany a variety of meals. It pairs particularly well with grilled meats, sausages, or pierogi. The cool and creamy nature of Mizeria makes it perfect for hot summer days or as a light and refreshing salad option.

Polish Desserts: A Sweet Ending to a Delicious Meal

Polish cuisine is not only known for its savory dishes but also for its mouthwatering desserts. One of the most famous Polish desserts is paczki, which are Polish doughnuts filled with various sweet fillings such as fruit preserves or custard. These delectable treats are traditionally enjoyed on Fat Thursday, a day marking the end of the carnival season. They are usually served with powdered sugar on top.

Another dessert is pierniki, or Polish gingerbread. These spiced cookies are made with honey and a blend of aromatic spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. They are often shaped into various forms and decorated with icing. Pierniki are a staple at Polish Christmas celebrations and are a perfect accompaniment to a warm cup of tea or coffee. 

Makowiec, the Polish poppy seed roll, is a traditional Polish dessert that is highly popular. It consists of a sweet yeast dough filled with a rich and sweet poppy seed filling. The filling is usually made by grinding poppy seeds and combining them with sugar, honey, butter, and sometimes raisins or nuts. The roll is baked until golden brown and is usually served during special occasions or holidays like Christmas or Easter. It is loved for its unique flavor and texture, and it is often enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea. 

Polish Cake Dessert


  • vinny

    thank you this helped me a lot

  • Teemllp

    Stew powder is my kitchen’s enchanted wand. With a scramble, it transforms conventional dishes into phenomenal joys, leaving a path of warmth and flavor that waits on the sense of taste.

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